b'Accusera tie-in with his novel It Feels So Goodsizable catalog. His characters desperately need tohanging on and sticking around and overstaying When I Stop. Poneman called the book easily onekeep moving, whether its away from a relationshipyour welcome and not really doing anything with of the most lethal and unrelentingly hilarious books Ior a career or toward one. Movement is key: Ringyour lifethat all seemed like a real thing that could have ever read.in the new one, break off the seal / Im dizzy and lithappen very easily. I dont think I was conscious up like a ferris wheel, Joe sings on Ferris Wheel,about that as a theme on this record; I was just Fittingly for an artist who stays so busy with sothe closing track. writing from the pool of my own experience. But if many projects, Overcome by Happiness conveysyour goal is to keep engaging with the world and a fear of stasis, a horror of losing momentum in life,Yet, as Chicken Wire suggests, to lose that for- entertaining yourself and feeling like youve done made by an artist who was just leaving school andward momentumto stop creating, writing, doingsomething worthwhile, then you have to keep entering the real world, who was skipping fromwhatever you have to do to stay on two feetwouldswitching things up. Overcome by Happiness gave one band to another, who had only been makingmean a sad and lonely death by the chicken wireme the confidence to try new things, to keep mak-music for a few years but had already amassed aand the studded tire. Im a Gen Xer, says Joe, soing records, to keep exploring.'