b'n between the recording and the releasehave a bit of a following. It got some notice, soJoe has kept the Pernice Brothers going for 25 of Overcome by Happiness, Joyce Linehanpeople were anticipating his next album.years now, weathering almost constant lineup left Sub Pop. The Pernice Brothers werent farchanges and releasing seven studio albums that behind. Joe recorded one final album for the label,That record, The World Wont End, was released inhave sharpened, expanded, commented on, and using many of the same players but credited to2001 on their newly christened Ashmont Records.elaborated upon the elegant orchestral pop sounds Chappaquiddick Skyline. There was no acrimonyAnd every Pernice Brothers record since then of Overcome by Happiness. But his catalog extends in the split, although relations were briefly tense.including their most recent, 2019s Spread thewell beyond that band. In addition to recording a Geniuses that we were, she laughs, we decidedFeelinghas been an Ashmont release. Over timehandful of solo albums (including a Barry Manilow that I would manage the Pernice Brothers. ItsLinehan stepped away from the enterprise, focusingtribute), he reconvened the Scud Mountain Boys good to have a manager who knows where theinstead on organizing campaigns for Massachusettsin the early 2010s for a new album and tour, and bodies are buried, but its not so good to have aGovernor Deval Patrick and Senator Elizabethin 2014 he released Into the Lime with the New manager who has a strained relationship with theWarren. For more than a decade she worked asMendicants, a supergroup featuring Teenage record label. Over dinner at a Chinese restaurantchief of policy for Boston Mayor Marty Walsh. ForFanclubs Norman Blake. He also writes frequently in Quincy, Massachusetts, they hatched a schemethe most part it was easy to keep these two aspectsfor television, most notably as a staff writer for the to start a new label together. A lot of people wereof her life separate, but occasionally politics didCanadian crime drama The Detail. Joe has pub-doing that kind of thing at the time, Linehan says.bleed over into the music: My boss would take alished a book of poetry and several works of fiction, It was easier to get access to recording equipment,stance on something that would cause a kerfluffle,including a novella about the Smiths for the 33 1/3 and it wasnt difficult to put out your own records.and Id get some Twitter trolls saying, Dont buy thisbook series. And in 2009, to show there were no But the reason we were able to do that and havemusic because she supports X, Y, and Z. Then Idhard feelings with his old label, he returned to Sub any kind of impact was because Overcome didhave to go to Joe and say, Im so sorry, you havePop for a 7-inch single under the alias the Young three Twitter trolls now because of me.'